
Kind Cycle

<img src="" ><img src="" ><br/><h4>From now until the end of January, make a kindness resolution to do 5 random acts of kindness and help make the world a happier place, one kind act at a time. MAKE A DAY. CHANGE A LIFE.</div></h4><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>JOIN NOW</strong></a> (it’s free!) and $100 will be donated in your name to the <strong>Canadian Women’s Foundation</strong> by the Lise Watier Foundation to support programs across Canada that move women and girls out of poverty, out of violence and into confidence. You could also win $250 in beauty goodies from Lise Watier.

Robyn set up monthly donations online
Kind Cycle

Robyn set up monthly donations online

Find out why Robyn and her boyfriend decided to set up regular Red Cross donations

Heather MacMullin

1 minutes