
Your Weekly Horoscope: November 27 to December 3, 2019

New Moon in Sagittarius season has just passed. Find out what the rest of this week holds for you.
Your Weekly Horoscope: November 27 to December 3, 2019

Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Sometimes the progress you’re meant to make is internal. The trouble with this is that you’ve been blessed with a restless mind—one that makes it excellent for exploring but can be impatient in finding something to do. Strive to be interested in what happens in the still moments, Sagittarius. You don’t need to be actively engaged with the world to be making progress. Take time to be quiet, to listen and to let things come to you this week.

Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.

woman holding bow and arrow represents sagittarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You don’t need to do anything more than the step directly in front of you, Capricorn. This week is likely to find you feeling overwhelmed and you could easily make things worse on yourself by not accepting where you’re at in the present moment. You are here, with the gifts and troubles, resources and limitations that you’ve got; if you can be gentle with where things are at, the reassurances you seek won’t need to come from others—you’ll be able to give them to yourself.

Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.

woman with antlers represents capricorn astrological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When things go right you technically “should” feel happy, but it’s not always that simple. When you grow, you inevitably outgrow people and things, and it can be upsetting, sad, or scary. This week if you strive to understand the ways that you’ve been self-sabotaging or holding yourself back, you’re likely to make huge progress. The truth is that we all have habits that at one time really helped us, but no longer work. Be brave enough to confront them head-on, Aquarius.

Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.

woman holding overflowing water jug over her head represents aquarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Feb. 19-March 20

When you’re overwhelmed, when you’re scared or don’t know what direction to point yourself in, it’s the absolute worst time to make a decision. This week may kick up feelings you don’t know what to do with, but that’s alright. Remember to put your self-care tools into practice when you need them, Pisces. Prioritize care and peace of mind ahead of fixes and answers and you’ll surprise yourself by ending up where you need to be, and getting there more organically.

Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.

two fish in a fish bowl represent pisces astological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


March 21-April 19

Nurturing yourself through the middle can be hard to do, but it’s where you’re at and what you need this week, Aries. While you’re likely to not have enough information to know what everything means or what to do next, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Strive to be present for what you do know, what you do have, and what’s happening in the here and now. You don’t need to know what comes next to be safe in the present, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be Aries.

woman with brown hair blowing on a horn represents aries astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


April 20-May 20

While it’s kind to be considerate and diplomatic, it’s not necessary for you to dumb down what you think, need, or see to be happening, Taurus. This week you may find yourself confronted with some interpersonal discomfort. Instead of rushing to try and fix it, just be honest. Allow space for resolution based on what’s real and present, instead of smoothing things over; some problems bring us to greater healing than the evasion of them ever could.

Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.

Woman wrestling with a bull represents taurus astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


May 21-June 21

The frustration that comes when you have vision but you don’t have time is a huge pain in the keister. This week your challenge is to find the opportunities in the very things that are holding you up, slowing you down, or otherwise bugging you. Not everything is likely to go your way but it’s not a waste if you find something to refine, learn, or explore. Make use of your circumstances, even if they’re not the ones you wished for, Twin Star.

Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.

identical women face each other symbolizing gemini astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


June 22-July 22

Freedom doesn’t mean free from consequences—only that you have a choice. Strive to lead with the fullness of your heart, Moonchild. When your decisions reflect your most honest feelings, you’re pointed in the right direction. Nothing is perfect and everything has consequences; look for what is healthiest, what you believe will grow into the most beautiful reflection of who you are and the life you want to live. You’re going through some big stuff—be gentle with yourself this week.

Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.

Your Weekly Horoscope: November 27 to December 3, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


July 23-Aug. 22

It’s vulnerable to put yourself out there and then to have things move slow, but sometimes that’s just what needs to happen. If you haven’t yet done it, this is a powerful time to speak up, Leo. Say what’s true for you and then let go of attachments to what it means for others, or what comes next. All you can do is express yourself and then let go; anything more and you’ll find yourself erring on the side of well-intended bullying. Show up honestly and then let go, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.

Your Weekly Horoscope: November 27 to December 3, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sometimes the heart is heavy and there doesn’t need to be a reason for it.
The truth is that feelings are messy and complicated and ever so valuable. This week your job is to honour your emotions without making a story out of them in efforts to explain them away. Be a good friend to yourself, Virgo. Show yourself the same kindness you would show any loved one, and the patience you need to honour your tough emotions without getting stuck in them.

Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.

Illustration of a woman with brown hair wearing a pink flower crown and white shirt on a pink background represents Virgo astrological sign for this week's horoscopes, September 6 to 12, 2017Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The truth can be complicated but that doesn’t make it any less true. This week is likely to confront you with some pretty heavy emotions, so here’s a pro-tip: people are gonna be themselves. It’s not your job to fix them and your refusal to accept others as they are hurts you more than anyone else. Get out of your own way by letting others be the people they choose to be, Libra. Prioritize the work of taking care of your own side of the street this week.

Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.

Your Weekly Horoscope: November 27 to December 3, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The role of fear in any powerful transformation is pivotal. If you let it overtake you, you’ll act out of scarcity or defensiveness. If you repress it and ignore it, you won’t get to benefit from whatever warnings it’s trying to communicate. The key is not to be fearless—that’s unrealistic. It’s to not be so quick to react to your fears that you don’t get whatever value they hold. This week, strive to shift your willingness to be uncomfortable in efforts to really grow.

Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.

A woman with a scorpion tattoo represents the astrological sign of scorpio.Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


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