
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

From relationships to money, find out what to expect over the next 12 months.
By Barb Hindley
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

Photo, Getty Images.

Year in review horoscopes 2014

Click on your sign


Barbara Hindley has studied astrology for 30 years. She focuses on astropsychology and relationship astrology, but also is certified in business and financial astrology. For more information, visit

Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Getty Images

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Speedy and self-sufficient, you’re usually the first one to enthusiastically dive into a new project or come up with a new plan. Oftentimes it just feels like other people slow you down. This year though, you’re challenged to adapt to and consider the needs of another. One-on-one relationships challenge your old concept of independence as you figure out how to be mutually supportive instead. It’s less about ‘I’, and more about ‘We.’ This year, your greatest joy and fulfillment come from forming partnerships of all kinds.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to be open to emotional intimacy. 

Love: If you really are the lone wolf type (and many Aries are), then this year will set a whole new precedent in your love life! The April 15 eclipse sets it all into motion when you meet someone that you want to spend more time with. This in turn will challenge you to slow up and settle down. This is a fabulous marriage year for Aries. If you’re already in a stable relationship, your partner may rely on you more than usual or vice versa. Bottom line: You want to spend more time with someone you care about, and you’re willing to make changes in order for it to happen.

Money and career: A financial drain or income limitation may finally come to an end this spring. Don’t push your luck before then. Just be patient, and by the end of March you’ve got a whole new income stream flowing your way (or at least the blocks slowing it down are removed). Financial partnerships of all kinds work in your favour all year long.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Emma Watson, April 15, 1990. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

You’re naturally practical and organized, and have always set high standards for yourself and for others. Yet, in the end you often end up doing everything yourself to ensure things get done “the right way” (especially if you didn’t like how someone else did it the first time!). You’re busier than usual this year and taking on more projects, so you’ll need to focus more on efficiency. This will challenge you to let go of complete control and put your trust in the ability of others.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to have faith in others.

Love: You certainly had your work cut out for you when it came to love and relationships all last year. Now that you’ve figured out what you do and do not want, commitment-happy Saturn in your partnership zone helps you to cement agreements and set new boundaries. Single? Someone you meet has that right time, right place, right person kind of feel, especially around the October 23 solar eclipse. Still, image-enhancing Venus in your sign ensures you attract loads of attention even before that from May 29 to June 23.

Money and career: New responsibilities at work require you to adapt to a new routine this spring. You could be taking courses to upgrade your skill set or learning a new one altogether. Owning property is a natural for Taurus (the zodiac sign that rules land), and opportunistic Jupiter says real estate could be a very profitable investment from mid-July onward, right through to the summer of 2015.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Christina Hendricks, May 3, 1975. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Friendships are important to you and you always make a point of keeping in touch. One could say that you’re the queen of social networking. With such a huge repertoire of friends and acquaintances to keep up with, you can sometimes spread yourself too thin. This year you’re challenged to close ranks a little and cultivate more personal relationships with those you truly care about or want to care about. It’s more about love and heartfelt self-expression and less about the world at large. And, no, you won’t miss anything!

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to open my heart. 

Love: Passion meets romance in late January, but the timing is slightly off. One of you may not be completely ready, or there are obstacles in the way (perhaps, a third party?). Bide your time, and it all falls together beautifully by late June as love planet Venus enters Gemini. Make love, not war this September and October as feisty, passionate and assertive Mars in your relationship zone demands an outlet for his powerful energies. Avoid bickering and channel it through physcial intimacy, sports and adventure instead.

Money and career: It’s a banner beginning to the year financially, thanks to moneybags Jupiter continuing to grace your income zone. March looks especially profitable, but you’ve got until mid-July to make hay whilst the sun shines. Confusion about your job or what your true calling really is makes you question things this summer/fall. Don’t push something if it’s not the right fit. Give yourself the time to figure it out – and by November you will.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Angelina Jolie, June 4, 1975. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Home, family and security have always been important to you, and you’ll be even more focused on those issues this year. You’ll be happiest being out of the spotlight and securing a strong and secure emotional/financial base for yourself. If you’ve devoted a large chunk of time to your career or public life, that could shift this year as you make different choices. There may be a move into a new home, the purchase of real estate or perhaps you’ll be adding to the family!

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to secure my foundation.

Love: There’s tension around the April 15 eclipse. There could be some intense moments or conflict with your partner as one of you lobbies for change. If you’ve felt like you’ve compromised too much in the past, this is the time to set a new standard for yourself (and you will!). Attraction planet Venus bathes you in an exceptionally stunning light this July and August. Single? Put yourself out there, look good (you always do!) and allow synchronicity to do its thing.

Money and career: Affluent Jupiter in Cancer says you’re golden right through to mid-July! Even after that your income zone is blessed and you’re feeling prosperous … but also extravagant. Heads up between September 19 to 26 when lucky-strike Uranus joins in, and you hit pay dirt in a completely unexpected kind of way. Take risks and just say yes to whatever opportunity is offered up at the time. It’s a fantastic year to start your own home-based business.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Olivia Munn, July 3, 1980. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

You’re a natural when it comes to self-expression and creativity. By the time March rolls around though, you’re challenged to communicate in new ways and on new levels. Start talking! Write, take short trips, enrol in a course or teach one. At the same time, you’re going deeper in other areas of your life. Meditation, inner reflection or spiritual practices enable you to finally get rid of any deep-seated fears or self-sabotaging behaviours. You truly can change your whole life this year working from the inside out.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to mine my inner resources.

Love: You may still be coming to terms with the past this year, and that could include a past relationship. The past is the present until it’s dealt with. Home and security are big deals for you now as you look to the future and imagine how you want to shape it. Commitment is key, and you’re not interested in someone who can’t make one. February opens a whole new chapter in your love life ( Feb. 1 to 18), and the October 23 eclipse supports you in taking the next step.

Money and career: Money comes from your ability to communicate — so start networking. Think back to the summer of 2002 through to the summer of 2003. What was going on back then? You were branching out in some new way or in some new direction. You can expect more of the same for 2014, especially from July through to December. It’s a positive, once-in-every-12-years kind of opportunity to expand your world.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Jennifer Lawrence, August 15, 1990. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

This year is all about self-sufficiency. You’re being challenged to rely less on the support of others and more on developing your own resources. This isn’t just about money either. You’re in the process of finding that sense of inner peace, security and esteem that comes from self-reliance. In this process your values shift too, as you become more discerning about where you’re willing to invest your time and money. This is the year you get to do it your way.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to trust myself.

Love: You may become intensely focused on someone or some desire this spring. Intensity can be positive, as it helps you be clear about what or whom you want. Holding on too hard could backfire though, so know when to let go and let be. Image-enhancing Venus provides you with fabulous backlighting from September 5 to 29. Schedule a romantic getaway for two during those three weeks, or get out and mingle if you’re single.

Money and career: Mars goes retrograde in your money sector and makes it hard to hold on to your loot from March 2 to May 21. Otherwise though, it’s a fabulous year to dwindle debt and get back into the black, or to launch a new investment strategy. The May 28 new moon says a pay raise or new job opportunity could be part of your profitable new summer scenario. October holds especially lucrative profit expanding potential.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Lea Michele, August 29, 1986. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

As a relationship-oriented sign, it’s through the lens of others that you often learn the most about yourself. You’re not big on conflict, so sometimes your own needs get put on the back burner in order to keep the peace. Not so much this year! You’re developing an even stronger sense of personal power, and you’re wielding it too. It’s a year of more personal autonomy. How you present yourself to the world is changing as well, as you want your image to better reflect the real and authentic you.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to do what’s best for me.
Love: A sudden revelation or realization about a relationship could be a game changer for you around the April 15 eclipse. Either you decide you’re all in, or you’re all out. If you’ve been dragging your feet about making a decision or just sitting on the fence, it may be forced upon you. An old lover may come out of the woodwork March through May giving you another opportunity to try again, or to see how far you’ve come since.

Money and career: It’s all systems go on the career front. In fact, your best work is still yet to come. Push for your own agenda January to August and doors magically open. The last half of the year is more about developing what you’ve already set into motion during the first half. Your focused budgeting in August ensures that you net that coveted big-ticket item by late September: Happy Birthday!
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Mia Wasikowska, October 14, 1989. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

It was a rough year, thanks to heavy and restrictive Saturn in your sign through all of 2013. You’ve taken on extra responsibilities and likely had to deal with loss in some way, but you’ve grown a lot too. This year you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Saturn is still around, but abundant Jupiter moves into your career and reputation zone in July and throws new opportunities your way. Now all of that groundwork you laid can finally start to pay off — if you allow it to. Others value what you do, maybe even more than you?

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to validate myself.

Love: You’re serious about most things this year, and that includes love and relationships. Commitment comes calling with the April 29th Solar Eclipse when a new relationship hits the ground running and gets serious quickly. If not, watch for someone special to come on strong in October. Already attached? You’re taking things to a new level and could decide to get married or start a family. Lusty Mars in Scorpio amps up your already considerable magnetism from July 25th to September 13th.

Money and lifestyle: You’re more inclined to just lay low and cozy up with family than to hit the gym this spring, thanks to action planet Mars in retrograde. Still, self-disciplined Saturn in your sign won’t let you get too far off track. Once Mars turns around and zooms ahead on May 21st, staying fit and active will be a breeze. From July onward, not only does the boss like you, but authority figures in general do too! Ask for that raise September 14th to October 26th when Mars favours your money zone.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Anne Hathaway, November 12, 1982. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Friendships, groups, social networks and altruistic organizations are your gateways to success, luck and self-development this year. You could become quite the little joiner, especially if it’s for a cause you really believe in. Take part, sign on and rally the troops. Others naturally gravitate towards you and look to you to take the lead.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to step up and get involved.

Love: You’re yearning for a relationship with meaning, and getting off the beaten track is how you can find it, especially from July onward. Travel opens up whole new worlds of possibilities in not just your love life, but in all areas of your life. Alternatively, it could be someone with a foreign accent and background that captures your interest at home. You’re really looking to be inspired, and shared ideals are a must. Both the April 21 and October 8 eclipses move you out of any relationship ruts and help you get clear about what you truly want and need.

Money: From January 1 to March 1 you’re consumed with building wealth and having enough – more money, more security, more stuff. It’s easy to go overboard now when it comes to getting what you want or to feel competitive with others. Still, you can do well this spring as long as you keep your risks calculated. Abundant Jupiter keeps the funds flowing right through to July, but it won’t last forever. Use this golden opportunity to stash some cash for your future security.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Amanda Seyfried, December 3, 1985. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Capricorns haven’t had an easy time of it lately as a certain way of life is ending and old reliable structures have been breaking down. However, it does give you the platform to start building new ones up that better support the path you’re meant to take into the future. This year you’re meant to focus on your public and professional life. You can make a name for yourself in some way, and those who work before the public net positive reviews and a soaring reputation. This year you’re challenged to move to a higher level, show up and take full credit.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to step into the limelight.

Love: Romantic Venus in retrograde to February 1 pulls old lovers back in. It’s fine to reconnect, but be wary of rekindling. Resolve old situations, but don’t start new ones. After February 1 it’s all systems go in the relationship department. Image-enhancing Venus in Capricorn casts her gorgeous glow upon you from January 1 right through to March 4, so plan ahead and make sure your wardrobe is date-night ready. There’s a big shift at the April 21 eclipse — beginnings and/or endings are to be expected in the love department, or you commit to take the next step. A workplace romance may be in the cards this October.

Money and career: Change is always difficult at first (new job or neighbourhood?), but once you’re in the new flow in late spring, you’ll wonder why you waited so long! Financial partnerships work to your benefit all year long, but it’s from July onward that things really get good. Insurance payouts, commissions, legal wins or inheritances could certainly brighten your fiscal world. Alternatively it could be your partner who comes into big money, which of course means you benefit too!
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Zooey Deschanel, January 17, 1980. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

This year you’re looking at your life in a larger sense. Your ideals and attitudes are changing and growing as you incorporate new belief systems or question your old ones. Whether it’s by plane, train or armchair, you’re travelling, learning and expanding your mind. What’s it all about? This year you’re on a quest to find out.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to expand my perspective.

Love: Single and looking? March and June drop potential suitors into your lap, although it’s July onward when things really get cooking. All you need to do is show up, and then pare it down to those who are truly worthy of you. Attached Aquarians find their mates to be more accommodating and adventurous this summer, and travel has a second honeymoon feel to it! Groups, friends and socializing with like-minded others (you love that) trigger new romantic prospects this fall. Sharing a common goal is what opens the door to something more.

Money and career: You’re moving forward and making tangible professional progress this winter, but your career goals seem very slow to manifest once you hit springtime. Don’t let appearances fool you. The universe is conspiring in your favour, even if you can’t yet see it. Once reap-what-you-sow Saturn turns around in late July, all sorts of success will seemingly fall at your feet — be ready! Money matters look good in April, but watch out for a sudden and unusual opportunity in late September to really bring in the big bucks.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Jennifer Aniston, February 11, 1969. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You’ve always been a visionary and you often feel inspired by different ideas and creative options. Sometimes, though, the practical application of those ideas can be challenging. This year you’re more focused on getting things grounded. You’re applying single-pointed energy in one area and reaping practical results.

Your mantra for 2014 is: I choose to allow my vision to manifest. 

Love: You’re at your attractive best in April, as Neptune and Venus cast an ethereal and beautiful glow upon you. It’s like you’re being celestially airbrushed! Expect lots of attention. It gets tricky in May though as Mars and Pluto square off, making you feel like you have to fight for what or who you want. Don’t fall for it, and don’t underestimate the power of your own charm. Flirty fun and romance are there for the taking in June and July, but September is more about commitment and making plans for the future.

Money and career: Income tends to be up and down this spring, thanks to unpredictable Uranus. You may have a sudden influx of funds, but they could leak out just as fast as they came in. Conflict when dealing with shared finances, inheritances or insurance requires you to compromise or co-operate in order to get what you want. By summer, though, you’ve got a more fluid financial flow. September 20 to October 10 holds spectacular money luck! You can afford to take calculated risks or push for what you want.
Your 2014 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Brittany Snow, March 9, 1986. (Photo, Keystone Press Agency.)


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