
Kids up all night? Could be a sleep disorder

Kids up all night? You may have reason to be concerned. The widespread notion that babies outgrow their sleep problems might not be true.
By Elaine Zlotkowski
Sleeping baby iStockphoto

Kids up all night? You may have reason to be concerned. The widespread notion that babies outgrow their sleep problems might not be true, says a new study. Researchers at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center found that infants who were fussy sleepers were three to five times more likely to still have sleep issues as toddlers.

Bottom line: If your child experiences frequent, prolonged night waking, is unable to self-soothe back to sleep, routinely takes longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep or snores loudly and often, talk to your doctor – it may be a sign of a more serious issue, and even a sleep disorder.


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