
Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at home

Kick-start your summer slim-down! Torch mega calories and fat with four fast-paced moves.
Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at home

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Cardio blast

Plié jump squat

Targets: Abs, quads, glutes and inner thighs

Stand with toes pointed out. Interlace fingers in front of chest and lower into a deep plié squat. Explosively jump up, keeping toes pointed. Land softly back into a deep plié. Do 10 to 15 reps.

Perfect your form: Avoid bending knees beyond toes.

Dial it down: Skip the jump; focus on the squat.

Amp it up: Hold squat for 3 to 5 seconds before jumping.

Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at homePhoto, Roberto Caruso.


Targets: Obliques, abs, quads and glutes

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat and reach 1 hand toward opposite foot. Jump up and twist torso to land in a squat facing the opposite direction. Jump from side to side as fast as you can for 30 to 60 seconds.

Perfect your form: Keep back straight — no rounding!

Dial it down: Slow the pace.

Amp it up: Pick up the pace.

Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at homePhoto, Roberto Caruso.

Hop tucks

Targets: Lower abs and glutes

Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft and arms at sides. Squat until thighs are parallel to floor with arms bent to chest level. Jump up high, bringing knees to chest. Do 8 to 10 reps.

Perfect your form: Squeeze abs to help you jump higher; land softly to protect your joints.

Dial it down: Don't bring knees up as high in the jump.

Amp it up: Increase reps.

Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at homePhoto, Roberto Caruso.

Criss-cross jacks

Targets: Arms, abs, quads, glutes and inner thighs

Stand with feet together, arms at sides. Jump into a wide squat as you raise arms out to shoulder level. Jump again, this time crossing 1 foot behind the other while raising arms toward ceiling. Repeat, switching crossed legs each time. Do 12 reps.

Perfect your form: Pinch shoulder blades together.

Dial it down: Skip the squat.

Amp it up: Pick up the pace.

The plan: Do these four moves three times a week, and you'll see more definition in a month or less.

Click here for more 10-minute workouts.

Four fat-melting exercises to improve your cardio at homePhoto, Roberto Caruso.


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