
Ovarian cancer

When treated early, survival rates for ovarian cancer are 90 percent. Discover the signs to watch for with this overview.
ovarian cancer causes symptoms treatments

Ovarian cancer, cancer in the cells of the ovary or ovaries, is the most serious of all gynecological cancers. More than 2,500 Canadian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year.

Ovarian cancer causes There is no single cause of ovarian cancer, but certain factors appear to increase the risk of developing it, including being older than age 50; personal or family history of cancer or hereditary mutations on certain genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2; never having been pregnant; using hormone replacement therapy (especially estrogen-only therapy) for a long period; and exposure to asbestos.

Ovarian cancer symptoms The symptoms of ovarian cancer are vague, and may be overlooked or mistaken for another condition. Common signs include abdominal swelling or bloating; fatigue; abdominal discomfort, pain or swelling; change in bowel habits; feeling full after a light meal; gas, upset stomach or indigestion; menstrual irregularities; weight loss or gain; and frequent urination. Women with ovarian cancer may also feel a lump in the pelvic area, find it difficult to eat normally and experience pain during intercourse and vaginal bleeding.

Ovarian cancer diagnosis/tests If you have one or more symptoms lasting three weeks or more, talk to your doctor about your concerns. She will conduct a pelvic exam to rule out other gynecological conditions, and may recommend a transvaginal ultrasound, which involves inserting a narrow probe into the vagina to see if there are any abdominal abnormalities. It's possible your doctor will do a CA 125 blood test and other screening including an MRI or CT scan. If the results of the tests suggest that you have ovarian cancer, surgery may be recommended to check for malignant cells.

Ovarian cancer treatment When found and treated early, the survival rate for ovarian cancer is 90 percent. The treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. Surgery is usually the first step of treatment, to remove as much of the tumour as possible. Most ovarian cancer patients are also treated with chemotherapy. Radiation is used less frequently but may be recommended to stop cancer cells from growing and in more advanced cancers.

Ovarian cancer prevention There’s no sure way to prevent ovarian cancer but some research suggests that your risk is reduced if you take the oral contraceptive pill for more than five years; carry a baby for at least 37 weeks, breastfeed and have a tubal ligation to prevent pregnancy. For women who are at high risk for ovarian cancer due to a strong family history or genetics, having both ovaries removed may reduce the risk substantially.


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