
Nars Blush in Orgasm

Beauty 100: A cult product overnight, this blush has a celebrity following inclusive of power stars Katie Holmes, Jennifer Lopez and Victoria Beckham
By Adriana Ermter
Nars Blush in Orgasm

$32, Nars

We have to applaud Meg Ryan. Her hilarious performance as the tightly wound Sally in the 1989 blockbuster film When Harry Met Sally catapulted orgasms out of the bedroom and onto the kitchen table—a table in a diner to be exact—for re-enactment, open discussion and cosmetic reincarnation. The orgasm’s standing ovation came ten years later, when François Nars launched a golden peachy pink blush boasting the titillating name. Naturally, it became a cult product overnight, complete with a celebrity following inclusive of power stars: Katie Holmes, Jennifer Lopez and Victoria Beckham. It’s a wonder there’s ever any left for the rest of us—perhaps that’s why the makeup genius has gone on to create a collection of the much-fêted Orgasm with additional products, like: The Multiple, Illuminator and Lip Gloss, to name a few. We know we can’t get enough and will probably wear the universally flattering, silky-soft feeling and provocatively named blush until the day we die. We’re going out with a glow.

Nars Blush in Orgasm  


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