
Volunteering - for kids sake

Simple things you can do to make a difference in the life of a child
By Grace Toby
Volunteering - for kids sake

Here’s how you can help:

1. Every day, 25,000 children under 5 die because they lack access to things we take for granted – clean water, sanitation, medicine, and food. For $35 a month, you can sponsor a child
and help an entire community build schools, train teachers, empower girls, dig wells, run health clinics and start small businesses.

2. The act of volunteering with kids can start at an early age. To commemorate International Youth Day, young people (11 to 25 years old) from all over the world can submit photographs and drawing to participate in a global photography competition. Even a small act of art can help them adopt a global sense of social responsibility.

3. Help over 26,000 kids in Canada by donating your time and becoming a big sister (or a big brother). Being a mentor can mean spending an hour playing checkers but can make the world of difference to a young person.


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