
Green cleaning solutions

Do the environment a favour by swapping chemical cleaners for eco-friendly cleaning products
Green cleaning solutions

What smell so you associate with cleanliness? Some popular "clean" smells include lemons, pine, flowers and even just plain bleach. In actuality a clean room smells like nothing and those smells are merely added to most chemical cleaning products, which effects the overall health of your home. However, if buying a variety of eco-friendly cleaning products is not in your budget, then look no further than your own kitchen.

You can easily create your own environmentally friendly cleaning solutions using regular household items such as, white vinegar, baking soda, lemons, vegetable oil and a little bit of elbow grease.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Product #1: Vinegar. It's not just for fish and chips: Vinegar is a natural all-purpose cleaner. Spritz away grime with a mix of one part water to one part vinegar (don't worry, the smell will dissipate when it dries).

Eco-friendly Cleaning Product #2: Oil. Make your own furniture polish with one cup of vegetable or olive oil and a ½ cup of lemon juice.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Product #3: Baking soda. A natural deodorizer, baking soda can be used as a non-abrasive cleanser for counters, ovens and bathroom fixtures. For extra power, add lemon juice to make a paste that will break down soap scum and mineral deposits on tiles.

For more eco-friendly tips check out these nine easy ways to save the environment, one step at a time.


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