
Cathy's last "ack," Spanish breastfeeding men, and Sanchez gets fired

In a bizarre case of gender equality gone way too far, the European Union Court of Justice has ruled that working fathers in Spain are to receive two breastfeeding breaks during the work day, just like working mothers – and nevermind about the whole biology thing.
By Lia Grainger
Cathy's last "ack," Spanish breastfeeding men, and Sanchez gets fired

In a bizarre case of gender equality gone way too far, the European Union Court of Justice has ruled that working fathers in Spain are to receive two breastfeeding breaks during the work day, just like working mothers – and nevermind about the whole biology thing.

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez was fired on Friday for disparaging remarks made towards Jon Stewart on a radio interview. On Thursday, Sanchez described the host of The Daily Show as a bigot and then questioned whether Jewish people should be considered a minority. Thankfully, it took less than 24 hours for the news network to announce they were letting Sanchez go.

Love her or hate her, there's no denying that the comic strip Cathy played a major role in injecting women into the funny papers. After 34 years of "acks" and swimsuit anxiety, Cathy said her final farewell in her strip on Sunday, announcing that she and and Irving would be having a baby. 


The U.S. issued a travel alert yesterday, warning Americans travelling to Europe of the possibility of a terror attack. The warning was vague but alarming, encouraging increased vigilance from travellers without naming any specific countries or landmarks. Officials for several European countries including the UK and Sweden are also on high alert and say the threats are credible.

Are paintings of women breastfeeding obscene? The people at Facebook seemed to think so. Kate Hansen is a visual artist from British Columbia who paints women breastfeeding, and says her entire account was deleted last Thursday due to the images posted of her paintings. She immediately started a campaign to have the pictures restored. At first Facebook responded that the images violated posting policies, but they eventually restored the account, minus one image. 


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