

With more than 100 types, HPV is the most common STI in the world.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes symptoms treatments

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common family of viruses and the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world, affecting about 550,000 Canadians annually. There are more than 100 types of the HPV virus, most of which are harmless with no symptoms. Some types of the HPV virus cause genital and anal warts. Other, more serious strains cause pre-cancerous lesions and almost all cervical cancers.

HPV causes HPV is contracted from skin-to-skin or oral contact with the genitals of an infected person; penetration is not necessary. Most people get the sexually transmitted infection at some point in their lives but it usually clears up with no symptoms. Since condoms do not cover all skin surfaces, they do not provide complete protection against HPV. The HPV vaccine, which was recently approved by the Government of Canada, is effective at stopping four types of HPV infection that cause genital warts and pre-cancerous lesions.

HPV symptoms Most people will contract some form of HPV in their lifetime but will not experience symptoms. Genital warts can appear weeks or months after sexual contact, as flat or cauliflower-like growths on the genitals. These warts are typically itchy and may burn; they are very contagious and may last for years.  Regular Pap tests are important because they detect pre-cancerous cells in the cervix caused by HPV.

HPV diagnosis/tests It's not available to everyone, but in some parts of Canada, women over age 30 who get an abnormal Pap result can get an HPV DNA test called Hybrid Capture II (HCII), but patients or their insurance companies must pay for it. During the test, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina, then collects cells to check for abnormalities. If the test result is HPV positive, your doctor may want to do further tests, such as a colposcopy, which involves inserting a small magnifying glass into the cervix, or a cervical biopsy to remove a piece of tissue for further analysis. A positive test does not mean that you have cancer since some strains of HPV clear up in their own time.

HPV treatment Genital warts can be removed at home or your doctor’s office with chemical treatments and creams. Even with treatment, the virus may not be eliminated completely and the warts may come back. Pre-cancerous lesions caused by HPV are removed with a procedure to remove the cancerous tissue.


HPV prevention Since sexual skin-to-skin contact spreads HPV, avoiding it will prevent infection. Condoms provide excellent protection from STIs so you should use them but since they don’t cover all of the skin surrounding the genitals, you can still become infected with HPV even with condom use. Limiting your sexual partners and considering your partners’ sexual history can also decrease your risk. Getting the HPV vaccine may help protect against the four high risk types of HPV.

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