
Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods are

A new ad from Bodyform, a U.K.-based feminine hygiene brand, depicts actual blood rather than that unsettling blue liquid.

I don't know about you, but when I get my period, I'd rather ice my boobs or level civilization as we know it than throw a jovial yogurt brunch with friends. Yet, if the pantheon of mainstream period commercials is to be believed, that time of the month is full of opportunities for rollerblading and female bonding, our spirits dampened only briefly by one eyedropper's worth of alien blue liquid.

Yes, wouldn't you love that, The Patriarchy?

This makes the latest, no B.S. ad from U.K. feminine-hygiene brand Bodyform all the more refreshing. Simply titled, "Blood," the 82-second spot features various strong women in action — a pointe dancer with gnarly blisters, a bloody-nosed boxer and, my personal menstruation spirit animal, a ladywarrior on horseback — all of whom mirror the suffering and blood loss (and ultimate triumph!) of our monthly cycles. It's way more masterful a metaphor than whatever that sinister blue stuff is offering.

Plus, per its "no blood should hold us back" campaign tagline, Bodyform teamed up with several U.K.–based universities to improve awareness of how menstruation effects women's bodies during exercise. (The results of that research are forthcoming.) With science on their side, horse-riding amazons can continue to slay, even as their uterine battle rages on.

Related: Weird and wonderful period accessories

Period accessories

Aika Black-T

What it is: A period-friendly wearable gadget that reaches temperatures of up to 60°C (mmm, heat) and targets cramps by transmitting far infrared (FIR) waves to your aching uterus. A fanny pack this is not.

Weird-o-Meter score: 5

Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods arePhoto, Aika.

Thinx period panties

What it is: Absorbent underwear that you can free-bleed into. There are models available for your light, medium and heavy days, all of which can be sanitized by a regular cold-water wash.

Weird-o-Meter score: 10

Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods are

Leaf by BellaBeat

What it is: A Fitbit for your uterus. Well, sort of: This tiny wearable leaf clips to your shirt collar (or doubles as jewellery) and tracks your menstrual cycle, oulation and can even send you reminders to take your birth control.

Weird-o-Meter score: 3

Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods are

The LoonCup 

What it is: A smart Diva Cup. The silicone insert is Bluetooth-compatible and sends push notifications to your phone when it’s approaching maximum capacity. It can also detect changes in the colour of your flow, which could indicate a health issue.

Weird-o-Meter score: 5/10

Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods are

Flex menstrual discs

What it is: Looks like a cross between a NuvaRing and a hockey puck, this flexible circular tampon allows you to have sex while on your period and — here’s the real bonus — pose no risk of toxic shock syndrome. According to the brand, one quarter of the back-orders are from men, which is not exactly surprising.

Weird-o-Meter score: 7

Finally, a period commercial as hardcore as periods are

More: It's about bloody time we talk about our periods
5 weird and wonderful period accessories Recipe: Skillet chocolate chip cookie


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