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Spring cleaning: A household checklist

Just as those last dragging months of winter can get your spirits down, they can sometimes have the same affect on our homes. When the moment finally arrives to throw open the windows and let in the fresh air, we often look around and realize how stale our home environment has become.
By Sharalee Mushore
Woman shaking out white sheets Getty Images

Just as those last dragging months of winter can get your spirits down, they can sometimes have the same affect on our homes. When the moment finally arrives to throw open the windows and let in the fresh air, we often look around and realize how stale our home environment has become.

While the sunlight is a welcome treat, it can be rather unforgiving in revealing all the dust that has accumulated. Before you start to feel overwhelmed by the task at hand, break your home down into rooms and tackle each area, one at a time, to make it more manageable. 

Entrance and closets 

- Thoroughly vacuum your salt filled mats and give them a good shampooing to get rid of all the built up dirt and salt from the winter.

  • Wash or dry clean and then store away all that heavy winter clothing. Go through these pieces and donate any unneeded items.
  • Take the time to clean any salt off your boots before storing them away. This will prevent the salt from further damaging them during their time in storage.


  • Clean the refrigerator: Clear through any food that needs to be disposed of and condiments that have expired or are rarely used, then use a solution of vinegar mixed with water to wipe down the interior.
  • Dust the refrigerator coils: Be sure to turn off the power before starting, then vacuum the coils (usually at the back or bottom of the refrigerator) to remove all the dust that has accumulated.
  • Defrost the freezer: Dispose of any unwanted or freezer-burned items then unplug the freezer, once thawed, wipe down the interior with a mixture of water and baking soda. 

Living Room

  • Use microfibre cleaning cloths to wipe down all surfaces to get rid of any accumulating dust.
  • Vacuum any upholstered pieces to get rid of any dust mites that may have accumulated in the fabric. 
  • If you swap out your heavier curtains or rugs for lighter weight ones in the warmer months, roll them up to avoid wrinkles then tie or tape these rolls and label each to make them easy to find come fall.


  • While some mattresses may not be flippable, try turning your mattress upside down to help distribute the weight and wear evenly. Freshen up your mattress by giving it a good vacuum before replacing the linens.
  • Most pillows can be thrown in the washing machine, do this to get rid of the dust mites and bacteria that can accumulate over time. 
  • Swap your heavier duvets and blankets for lighter weight ones. Launder and store your winter blankets away, leaving a few accessible for a chilly summer night.


  • Edit your cosmetic and beauty products, throwing away any items that have not been used in a few months. Be sure to put these directly into the garbage, as they cannot be recycled. 
  • Repeat the same process with your medicine cabinet, being sure to throw away any expired medications, which may be harmful. Be sure to keep these items out of reach of children and pets.

Home office

  • With tax season looming, take the opportunity to review and organize your important papers and policies.
  • Use a solution of vinegar and water to wipe down all surfaces, including your phone and keyboard. Use a soft cloth and specifically formulated cleaner to dust your computer screen. 


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