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5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To Avoid

These essentials are often forgotten but are the key to an efficient (and beautiful!) entryway.
5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To Avoid

Entryways are quite possibly the easiest part of a home to decorate but often the most overlooked. It's the first room anyone enters, so it's an important one to set the tone and to keep organized. Here's how!

5 common hallway decorating mistakes to avoid

1. Not using baskets

Baskets in entryways are life savers and a super easy organizing solution. Chuck helmets, your kids’ lunch boxes, flip-flops and any other seasonal accessories in them as soon as you enter the door. You’ll know exactly where to find them.

5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To AvoidPhoto, Janis Nicolay. Room design, The Cross Decor & Design.

2. Not having a place to sit

Granted, we understand that not all entryways have space for a bench to leisurely put your shoes on, but it doesn’t have to be a full-sized bench. Slip a small stool under your console table (like the silver one in the above photo) for smaller spaces. If you do have space for a bench, invest in one that works double-duty and has storage for helmets and outdoor accessories.

5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To AvoidPhoto, Roberto Caruso.

3. Forgetting a rug

Not only do rugs hide dirt and protect your floors, they instantly make a space feel cozy. Cotton runners are easy to throw in the wash. Choose one with a bold, graphic pattern to liven up your space.

5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To AvoidPhoto, Roberto Caruso.

4. Not displaying art and/or decor accessories

Entryways are the first room anyone will enter, so it’s an important one. Instantly set the tone by hanging a piece of artwork or adding an interesting light on your console table. Large-scale pieces in a small space make a big statement. Try and tie everything together with a common colour.

5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To AvoidPhoto, Roberto Caruso.

5. Not designating a place for keys and mail

Everything should have its place! Avoid a morning scramble by designating a hook or small basket for keys and loose change. Install baskets on the wall as a place to house mail, magazines and umbrellas.  

5 Common Entryway Decorating Mistakes To AvoidPhoto, Sian Richards.

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