
Beware of BPA in canned goods

If you think you don’t need to worry about bisphenol A (BPA) now that Health Canada’s banned the nasty chemical from plastic bottles, think again.
By Lora Grady
canned good, can opener, canned food Masterfile

If you think you don’t need to worry about bisphenol A (BPA) now that Health Canada’s banned the nasty chemical from plastic bottles, think again. A small-scale study from the Harvard School of Public Health shows BPA — which is linked to diabetes and obesity — from the lining of cans has a significant effect on us, too. Researchers split 75 people into two groups; the first ate a serving of canned vegetable soup every day for five days while the other group had a fresh version. They found those who ate the canned stuff had a 1,000-percent increase in their BPA levels over the other group. Bottom line: Keep it fresh in the kitchen. Stock up on frozen veggies instead of canned, and make your own soup or buy goods in glass jars.


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