
How to wear the high-waisted pant

While the look is beyond chic, a retro '70s-inspired trouser is a little intimidating. Read on for great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist

forever21 Paperbag Linen Pants, Forever 21

american apparel Linen High-Waist Pleated Pant, American Apparel

jcrew High-Waisted Skinny Cord, J.Crew.

How to wear the high-waisted pant Claudia Schiffer wearing belted high-waisted jeans with a blouse and scarf. (Keystone)

What to look for: First and foremost, wear a pant style that you're comfortable in. Many women find the low-rise look too young and uncomfortable, so a high-rise look can be more flattering for some. “Fewer pleats in the trousers create a slimmer mid section,” says Kelly Millar, a fashion and image consultant from KM Image Consulting in Toronto. Showcasing your middle may not be on your fashion to-do list but these pants can flatter if worn correctly and chosen carefully. “Less is more,” emphasizes Millar.

How to wear it: “A fitted top is a must to achieve a lean and balanced look,” Millar says. Also, pair it with a set of heels to make your legs look extra long. By adding a heel or a wedge, you are creating height and allowing some give on those extra inches of material. “Remember to bring a pair of heels with you to the tailor,” says Millar. Get them hemmed to a one-inch minimum from the ground, Millar recommends. Flats also work with this style but heels are a more formal, slimming option.

Accessorize it
: When it comes to wearing these trousers, keep the rest of your ensemble relatively simple and clean, says Millar. Try a belt to cinch in your waist – it can be any size or colour. Keep your hair and makeup simple so the look doesn’t read too retro. “Don’t forget to layer on a chunky knit scarf — this is an ultimate look for autumn,” says Millar.

Day to night: Wear these trousers with a fabulous cropped blazer or fur vest for day or night, says Millar. For an evening look that stands out, tuck in a silk tank with minimal detailing. The luxe material will make the outfit nighttime-worthy.

A little hit of style: If you want to try this trend without committing, pick a mid-rise pant to get a similar look. And remember – stick with simple and sleek silhouettes up top to balance out the trouser’s volume.

High-waisted pants we love
(pictured in the player above):
High-Waisted Skinny Cord, $104. J.Crew
Linen High-Waist Pleated Pant, $79. American Apparel
Paperbag Linen Pants, $30. Forever 21


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