
How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or night

A classic blazer is a great investment piece that can pull any outfit together. Wear it to the office, on the weekends and even to a spring wedding.
How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or night

1 blazer 4 ways

The blazer

Chose a blazer in a lighter shade for spring. It will keep you warm and stylish on cooler days and is a great (non bulky) way to bundle up when the sun goes down.

Blazer, $129, Zara.

How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or nightThe blazer


Top, $54, Topshop.

Bag, $34, Forever 21.

Scarf, $100, Indigo.

Heels, $90, Zara.

Skirt, $30, H&M.

How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or nightNine-to-five


Casual Friday

Top, $25, Joe Fresh.

Earrings, $25, Accesorize.

Bag, $150, Asos.

Jeans, $47, New Look.

Shoe $70, Sole Society.

How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or nightCasual Friday

Weekend warrior

Shirt, $65, MANGO.

Pants, $35, H&M.

Bag, $129, Urban Outfitters.

Shoe, $174, J.Crew.

How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or nightWeekend warrior

Wedding guest

Dress, $45, H&M.

Clutch, $97, Asos.

Necklace, $68, Banana Republic.

Heel, $150, Nine West.

How to wear a crisp white blazer for day or nightWedding guest

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