
How to wear white after Labour Day

Don't put away your white jeans just yet! Old rules need not apply this fall, so go ahead, wear white after Labour Day
By Ingrie Williams

How to wear white after Labour Day

Wait! Don’t pack it all away just yet! The antiquated notion of storing white clothing once early September comes has vanished.

The key to wearing white is texture. Gauzy linen and delicate eyelet are very much the summer ways to wear whites – put those pieces on hold until next year. Fall demands white fabrics that have more substance. That means starchy cottons, wool blends, plush cashmere, etc. And, yes, your white jeans can come along, too. With the right textures, white can certainly be worn during cooler weather.

It’s important to keep in mind that white clothing has a maximizing effect, so it’s best to wear white on body parts you feel confident about. If you love your strong shoulders, try a trim white blazer with full leg trousers for a polished look. If you’re proud of your toned tush and thighs, white jeans with boots and a button front shirt, accented with a skinny belt looks fab. And if you’ve got a gorgeous hourglass figure, highlight your curves in a creamy-coloured sheath or sweater dress.

Head to toe white separates can be trickiest, but it does appear super chic and super luxe. Be sure to mix textures, such as a silky top with wool pants, to give an all white look dimension and interest. Pairing white with solid colours is easier to wear and still makes a stylish statement. Black is a traditional go to, as long as you add flourish with mixed fabrics and accessories to keep the outfit from becoming an ode to wait staff.

Red and vibrant blue, two of fall’s most popular shades, make brilliant partners for white. Too much? No problem. A more subdued palette, such as navy, camel or grey, also always works. For night, sparkling white can be a pretty alternative to a LBD. Look for shimmering satin, or touches of Lurex and sequins, to radiate in evening’s soft light.


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