
Straw clutch: Weekly steal

This patterned purse is the perfect size for carrying all your goodies and is a sweet nod to one of this seasons top trends: tribal
By Kate Gertner

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What it is: Straw basket weave clutch, Le Chateau, $40

How to wear it: Springtime is the season to lighten up and trade in your tired and bulky winter bag for a a more chic and compact clutch. This patterned option is the perfect size for carrying all your goods and a haute way to pay homage to one of this seasons top trends: tribal. Wear it with dark skinny jeans, a sleeveless blouse and a fabulous fedora for a fresh look or pair it with a little black dress for an instant aztec update. I am carrying it now and pairing it with a loose knit camel sweater, cropped pants and a cute pair of brogues. And, I can't wait to carry it alongside my maxi dress on many a hot summer nights. 

Why I love it: I love pattern and bright bold colours but truth be told I sometimes find them intimidating to wear. I always worry that they might draw attention to problem areas or just draw too much attention, period. That is why I love adding poppy prints and vibrant hues to my outfits with accessories like bags, scarves and belts. While these pieces may be small in size they still make a big style statement and are a sweet way to wear or test out a new trend without taking the full fashion plunge. 


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