
How to wear slim fitting clothes if you are plus size

Firstly, it’s important to define the difference between slim fitting and tight. Slim fitting clothing skims the body, providing a snug fit that reveals your curves
By Ingrie Williams,

Moto Jacket, The Bay, fashion, style, plus size, slim fit Moto jacket, The Bay

Jeans, The Bay, fashion, style, plus size, slim fit Jeans, The Bay

Dress, Laura Plus, fashion, style, plus size, slim fit Dress, Laura Plus

Melissa McCarthy, Keystone Press, fashion, style, plus size, slim fit Melissa McCarthy, Keystone Press

Q: Can I wear slim fitting clothes if I’m plus size?

A: Most dresses are designed to envelope curves, but some slim fitting styles do a kinder job than others. Firstly, it’s important to define the difference between slim fitting and tight. Slim fitting clothing skims the body, providing a snug fit that reveals your curves. Tight clothing, on the other hand, constricts your frame and highlights every lump and bump in an unflattering way. The distinction here is key to a stylish, comfortable and flattering fit, which will make you feel great about what you’re wearing – and isn’t that the point?!

The best slim fitting dresses for plus sizes offer figure-friendly fabrics, like double-lined jersey, an empire or sculpted waistline and visually interesting textures or prints that pop. And all must have the power to completely cover bra straps (no flimsy halter strings, please), because undergarments are essential. Even the best dress will benefit from a proper-fitting bra. If you love a particular style of dress but aren’t in love with everything it’s putting on display, be sure to try it on again while wearing body slimming undergarments. The difference can be dramatic, and a major self-esteem boost.

If you think skinny jeans are only for skinny girls, think again. If you look for the right details, plus-size figures can rock slim-fitting denim and pants, too. Skip over anything labeled ‘low rise’. Instead, try a high-rise or mid-rise fit. These will cover hips to create a long slim leg line, trim a tummy and eliminate a muffin top. Pockets on the backside shouldn’t be too tiny – larger ones will put your booty in proportion.

To keep the overall effect slim and chic, don’t just settle for a blousy shirt – adding a slim-fitting blazer or jacket to streamline from head to toe. And there’s no getting around the fact that heels will further elongate the look of your legs.

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