
How to wear double denim

Once upon a time sporting denim with denim was a major no-no for anyone concerned with looking stylish. But the tides have turned and the look has been revived with a nonchalant cool factor
By Ingrie Williams; ivillage

How to wear double denim Hudson red coated Nicole midrise super skinny jeans, $265,

How to wear double denim Miss Sixty denim Darya shirt, $199,

How to wear double denim Fidelity Denim Belvedere jeans in Amsterdam wash, $198,

How to wear double denim Ashley Green

Q: How do I wear double denim?

Once upon a time sporting denim with denim was a major no-no for anyone concerned with looking stylish. The ‘Canadian tuxedo’, a jean jacket worn with jeans, wasn’t exactly the height of fashion. But the tides have turned and the look has been revived with a nonchalant cool factor, thanks to support from designers and celebs (like Ashley Greene seen here). But not everything from our favourite fabric can make the cut. Here are a few guidelines when it comes to doubling up on denim.

The first rule of wearing double denim is you must choose pieces that flatter your figure and have some sort of fashionable flair. No mom jeans or ho-hum items allowed, because this look can appear frumpy fast. You want a pair of jeans that fit fantastically (legs elongated, derriere made dazzling) and a jacket or shirt that is equally stylish (look for cool pockets, top stitching, zippers, etc.). While you can rely on accessories to add interest, they shouldn’t do all the heavy lifting. You must start with dynamite denim pieces.

It’s also essential that your denim separates are contrasting shades, rather than one tone. If you’re doing traditional blue hues, pairing dark inky jeans with a chambray shirt is always a winning look. But you can also experiment with denim in other colours. I love the look of charcoal black jeans topped with a faded denim shirt or bleached out jean jacket.
Grey, white and coloured denim all work wonderfully, too. Brights are still big, but spring’s latest palette also features lovely soft sorbet shades, like yellow, peach and mint.

Since double denim has an androgynous air you can max out on feminine extras without going overboard. If you’re doing a jacket and jeans combo, add a delicate chiffon or silk blouse instead of a basic cotton t-shirt. This is also the perfect place for bold colour or pattern. As for accessories, choose standouts and pile them on! Try a huge sparkling necklace peaking out from underneath a chambray shirt or jean jacket. Or use a brightly coloured belt or bag to add pop, and break up your blues.


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