
How to wear choker necklaces

This isn’t the year of delicate trinkets. Instead, designers used can’t-miss-me adornment in the form of statement choker necklaces, placed front and centre, to echo their daring wardrobe declarations.
By Ingrie Williams,

simple, chic Derek Lam, Jemal Countess

statement, standout Betsey Johnson, Frazer Harrison

futuristic, metal Michael Kors, Frazer Harrison

short bands, bib style Sachin + Babi, Jason Kempin

bronze bloons, multi-hued Elie Tahari, Frazer Harrison

Q: How do I wear choker necklaces?

A: The key trends of the season (bright colours, clashing patterns and python prints, for instance) take a certain amount of sartorial confidence to pull off because they’re unabashedly bold – and the key jewelry update this season is no exception. This isn’t the year of delicate trinkets. Instead, designers used can’t-miss-me adornment in the form of statement choker necklaces, placed front and centre, to echo their daring wardrobe declarations. Message received, loud and clear: a garden of oversize bronze blooms decorated necklines at Lanvin, sleek silver collars stood up and out at Michael Kors and large multi-hued jewels dazzled at Marni.

Some choker necklaces combine short clavicle-covering bands with drapey, bib-style chain link fringes which will further help draw the eye down and elongate your torso. This is how to participate in the trend without sacrificing a flattering look.

The streamlined architectural shapes in molded gold or silver look best if you have a neck that’s long or on the thin side. You can even try layering these futuristic-looking curved metal collars for a uniquely stylish look. Pair similar size shapes and different textures, like flat finishes with hammered ones. If your neck is less than swan-like, choose choker styles that rest lower on your collarbones. Or, better yet, look for ones that create a v-shape with a distinct pattern or eye-catching detail just south of your chin.

Thanks to its fashion-forward status, a statement choker necklace is a simple addition to your jewelry box that can revive your entire wardrobe, breathing new life into closet staples and old favourites. In the presence of something as simple as a t-shirt, a standout necklace becomes the focal point and makes something basic look brilliant. So you don’t necessarily need to go all out head-to-toe, you’re fine to pare down the rest of your outfit and keep it simple.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with clothing with various necklines. V-neck tops or dresses instantly put chokers on display, but high necklines can create an unobstructed view and slightly scooped ones can have a framing effect that also looks chic.

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