
How to wear the puffer jacket

We know you don’t want to add more bulk to your winter look but you can have fun (and stay warm) with voluminous outwear. From fit to faux fur accents, we have tips from a pro stylist
mango, fashion, jacket, puffer, style Relaxed fit quilted anorak, Mango

le chateau, fashion, jacket, puffer, style Nylon down dilled puffer coat, Le Chateau

joe fresh, fashion, jacket, puffer, style Belted puffer, Joe Fresh

old navy, fashion, jacket, puffer, style Women's long frost free coat, Old Navy

How to wear the puffer jacket Rachel Bilson pairs a long puffer jacket with a classic tweed dress

What to look for: While these toppers might remind you of your last camping expedition (ahem, sleeping bag much?) this style has been dressed up on the runways of Burberry Prorsum and Alexander Wang and re-vamped into a look that’s dare we say, sexy? It’s all in the details with this much volume. Look for a style that has some hardware, faux fur accents and a drawstring waist to give you a silhouette.


How to wear it: “These coats are best worn with dark boots or pants to balance the shape,” says Lynda E. Jean, a Certified Image Consultant in Toronto. “Many women are in the habit of buying ski jackets one size too big, thinking that it is necessary to accommodate the clothing underneath. The fit should be comfortable — it should site nicely at the shoulders and be able to close easily,” she advises.

Accessorize it: “Wear larger and more casual accessories with this outerwear,” says Jean. Try boots, larger bags and gloves — your regular winter wear for outdoor fun works for practical use and fits with this style.

Day to night: If you’re planning on wearing this out to more formal events look for one in a cream colour or with a metallic sheen sans a hood to keep it dressier. An interesting collar will also up the fashion ante. For daytime, a dark shade filled with down will keep clean longer for everyday use and try a longer version to warm up your gams.

A little hit of style: “If you are a bit wary, try both this coat in a darker colour and trust your gut,” says Jean.

Coats we love (pictured in the gallery above): Belted Puffer, $89. Joe. Nylon Down Filled Puffer Coat, $250. Le Chateau. Relaxed Fit Quilted Anorak, $190. Mango. Women's Long Frost Free Coats, $110. Old Navy.


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