
How to wear the polka dot trend

You might remember this retro pattern from your Minnie Mouse days, but this girly print is making a sophisticated comeback, and for fall we think polka dots are the new stripes

How to wear the polka dot trend Jacob top

How to wear the polka dot trend Banana Republic scarf

How to wear the polka dot trend French Connection tights

How to wear the polka dot trend Topshop dress

What to look for: “Polka dots are the new stripes,” says Afiya Francisco, fashion expert on The Marilyn Denis Show and creative director of the blog, The Style House. “This look is one of the hottest patterns of the season.” Big or small, this print is appearing on everything from garments to accessories. The newest incarnations range from bold dots to miniscule patterns but every type can be easily incorporated into your wardrobe.

How to wear it: “To keep your polka dots from being too cutesy, stick to neutral colours like black, grey and navy,” says Francisco. Though models on the runway can pull of layering patterns it’s best to wear only one printed item and stick to a fitted style so as not to overwhelm your figure. A blouse underneath a black suit or a dotted pencil skirt with a fitted top is a way to keep this look elegant.

Accessorize it: If you’re going for a full-on polka dot ensemble such as a dress, keep the rest of your accessories in a solid palette. To avoid looking kitschy don’t skew too retro with your heels (try booties instead) and keep the jewellery minimal.

Day to night: At the office, wear your dots with a blazer and black tights and look for ladylike cuts in blouses or skirts. To give polka dots a bit of sex appeal for after-hours try a polka dot top with a skinny black jean or a fitted pencil skirt.

A little hit of style: “I particularly love polka dots tights. They're an easy way to work this trend into the wardrobe,” says Francisco. You can find tights in many colours from nudes to blacks and make sure the dots are on the smaller side for a subtle hit of this 90’s trend.

Polka dots we love (pictured in the player above):
Dress, $60.
Spottie Lottie Tights, $28,
Polka Dot Scarf, $50.
Top, $49.


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