
How to wear the long pleated skirt

Forget the Little House on the Prairie look — these new skirts are far from frumpy. Get great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist

Gap Long pleated skirt by Gap

american apparel, skirt, pleated, belt Chiffon double-layered full-length skirt by American Apparel.

anthropologie Havana fresca skirt by Anthropologie

long pleated skirt, style tips, fashion, trend Getty Images

What to look for
“This season, pleated skirts have gotten a fashionable update from their schoolgirl or stuffy secretary association,” says stylist, Afiya Francisco. “Pleats are thinner and fabrics are lighter.”

How to wear it
“A fashion-forward option is to pair longer skirts with hip-length tops in contrasting fabrics,” says Francisco. Try it with a looser fit blouse that’s tucked in. Fit is crucial, says Francisco, so be sure that the pleats are sharp and lay flat. Vivid brights are a bold option but lighter taupe and grey is also polished and feminine.

Accessorize it
A medium to thin belt is a must. Try something in the same tone or a complementing shade, says Francisco.

Day to night
Wear it with slightly heavier shoes like wedges to counterbalance the floaty material – these are a great casual option for day. Feminine heels make a sophisticated option for evening. Fabrics like silk, chiffon and satin also look appropriate for evening events so opt for a skirt that can work for both.

A little hit of style
If you want to try this trend without committing, treat it as you would a pair of trousers, says Francisco. Slip on a slim fitting tee for a casual introduction to the trend.

Pleated skirts we love:
Chiffon Double-Layered Full Length Skirt, $66, American Apparel.
Havana Fresca Skirt, $98. Anthropologie.
Long pleated skirt, $65. Gap.


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