
How to wear the leather skirt

Take the leather look from biker babe and sexy vixen to everyday wear this season. Read on for great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist

hmprod Imitation Leather Skirt, H&M

anthropologie Leather skirt, Anthropologie

danier Leather pencil skirt, Danier

Blake Lively leather skirt Blake Lively (Keystone Press)

What to look for: “Shop for a longer length this season — just under the knee is perfect,” says Kelly Millar, a fashion and image consultant from KM Image Consulting in Toronto. “Neutral colours such as camel, cream, brown, and black act as basic staples this fall. Be bold and brave and adopt the fresh, fantastic shades of leather seen on this season’s runways like mustard, olive green, and deep plum.”

How to wear it: “An A-line silhouette is playfully finished with a boyfriend blazer or sheer billowy blouse tucked-in,” says Millar. Avoid wearing a leather jacket in combination with this skirt or you’ll overdose on the animal skin theme. Try a pair of opaque tights and chunky sandals.

Accessorize it
: If you want to look more rock ‘n’ roll layer on a few chunky metal bracelets. For a dressed up version try a bedazzled bib necklace.

Day to night: A demure button-up tames this look for the office while you can go a little more sultry for night with black on black or an extra high pair of heels. And while there’s nothing wrong with showing off some skin for a night out, be aware that leather takes your look up a notch — and you want your look to say classy not trashy.

A little hit of style: Try a faux leather mini — it lets you get the feel for this look without breaking the bank.

Leather skirts we love (pictured in the player above):
Leather pencil skirt, $129,
Leather skirt, $398USD. Anthropologie.
Imitation Leather Skirt, $30. H&M.


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