
How to wear the colour block trend

Don’t fear mixing and matching your bright shades. A pro stylist gives us great advice on how to wear them together




How to wear the colour block trend Emma Stone wears the colour-blocking trend perfectly, layering two bright colours with neutral pumps.

What to look for: Colour blocking is when you pair two or more contrasting - but ideally complementary – colours (for example, pink and orange make a perfect pair). “By putting two or more solid colours next to one another you get an instant pop of colour, which can immediately change any outfit,” says Erin Nadler, President of Better Styled. “And when the blocking of colour is done in varying sizes and tones it also creates a slimming effect.” Try to keep the colours in the same palette if you’re new to this trend — a light blue top and dark blue bottom will look chic without going overboard.

How to wear it: If you’re introducing a colour block dress why not try it with this season’s must-have nude pump, or if a tunic top and leggings is more your style then try a strappy gladiator flat to offset the bright colours, Nadler advises.

Accessorize it: Keep the shoes solid so you’re not competing with the rest of your outfit. Add a simple pendant necklace or a couple of solid bangles. “With such a busy combo it is important to keep everything else simple and tasteful,” says Nadler.

Day to night: Don’t combine more than three colours together as it has a tendency to break up your body shape — the idea is to keep things long and lean. A bright pencil skirt with a contrasting tank or a dress that already has a colour block pattern are great options for night layered under a blazer.

A little hit of style: The best way to introduce this trend subtly is to invest in a piece or two and incorporate it into your current wardrobe. If you’re interested in the bright colour-block tees then try that under a boyfriend jacket with wide leg trouser jeans — this way the brighter tones are grounded in your neutrals, says Nadler. Or introduce a fabulous new summer colour block handbag to update your basics.

Colour blocking we love
(pictured in order in the player above):
Two-tone Dress, $70. Zara.
Jeffrey Campbell Gouin Bag, $60. Little Burgundy.
Dress, $60 (USD). H&M.


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