
How to wear the cape

Think Jackie O. rather than Little Red Riding Hood and the cape will make a fall wardrobe complete. Read on for great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist

netaporter Burberry Brit Wool Felt Cape,

winners Cape, Winners

asos Cotton Hooded Cape Mac,

What to look for: “The most flattering style of cape hits just at the natural waistline and is worn somewhat like a poncho,” says Kelly Millar, a fashion and image consultant from KM Image Consulting in Toronto. Look for patterns, leather detailing and hoods to dress up this outwear. “A large collar is a fantastic feature of the cape,” advises Millar. “Also, a cape with a large oversized hood is very en vogue and works beautifully on a tall silhouette.”

How to wear it: “Wear the stylish cape with a pair of black or taupe slim leg trousers,” says Millar. “It's the perfect casual professional look – sophisticated and chic.” Anything fitted will look best with this, such as a pencil skirt and a light knit sweater.

Accessorize it
: Due to the cut of this outerwear, a structured duffle purse with smaller handles such as a doctor bag makes for an easy carryall. Dress it up with a pair of booties and keep your neckline free of adornments.

Day to night
: Combine your hooded cape with leggings and tall riding boots for a busy day of errands, says Millar. For evening, choose a fur or silk embroidered cape worn over an evening dress for a polished sophistication.

A little hit of style: If you aren’t ready to embrace this retro look try a cape style sweater. A drapey version for fall will be a good indicator if you’re comfortable enough to invest in the style for your winter jacket.

Capes we love (pictured in the player above):
Cotton Hooded Cape Mac, $136.
Cape, $50. Winners.
Burberry Brit Wool Felt Cape, $650.


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