
How to wear sheer clothing in public

Not since Madonna’s Vogue ruled the airwaves have garments seemingly intended for the boudoir made an overwhelming appearance as day wear
By Ingrie Williams,

How to wear sheer clothing in public

How to wear sheer clothing in public

How to wear sheer clothing in public Stella McCartney

Q: Can I wear sheer clothing in public?

A: Not since Madonna’s Vogue ruled the airwaves have garments seemingly intended for the boudoir made an overwhelming appearance as day wear. Sheer clothing rocked the fall/winter runways and offered a parade of scantily clad options that belonged to one of two camps: the good girl or the bad.

Stella McCartney’s peek-a-boo polka dot dresses (black dress shown) straddle the divide: demure ladylike silhouettes got a naughty nod thanks to substantial transparency. All are sexy in their own way. With the right pieces you can incorporate elements into your everyday wardrobe without inspiring scandal. Thankfully, this time around, cone bras aren’t the only way to make a saucy style statement.

A sheer skirt is a good choice if you’re a fan of a soft, pretty aesthetic, but a little opacity is necessary.

You want the illusion of airiness without advertising everything. Look for layered skirts with a built-in lining or use a simple slip (free of trim) as a base to create staggered hemlines. This will reveal a little leg while maintaining modesty. Opaque tights will allow suitable coverage for pleated or maxi styles in deep colours or patterns. Knits make an ideal pairing on top, from boxy cropped pullovers, fitted lightweight turtlenecks, to cozy wrap cardigans.

If your style is more daring than delicate, a sheer blouse is the essential you’ll need to express yourself. For day, completely see-through tops demand a camisole underneath. Try a gauzy, button front shirt tucked into pants; both slim or wide leg trousers look chic. Fuss-free, full coverage bras are the ideal underpinning for slightly transparent tops.

At night lose the cami, add a lacy (but solid) bra, and grab a blazer for just a hint of skin. Or, if you’re especially confident put your something sheer on display along with a bustier-style bra. These are a few tasteful ways to turn heads beyond the bedroom.


Chiffon Double-Layered Full Length Skirt, $66, American Apparel
The Boyfriend Shirt, $39.50, Victoria's Secret


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