
How to wear oversized knitwear

Conquer your fear of looking frumpy this fall with the latest in luxe knits. Read on for great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist.

How to wear oversized knitwear Cardigan shawl, Esprit

How to wear oversized knitwear Line Knitwear Manon Cardi

How to wear oversized knitwear Colourblock turtleneck sweater, Vince

Celine Dion in an oversized knit sweater Celine Dion in an oversized knit sweater

What to look for: Slouchy layers of wool and cashmere might not sound very sexy, but worn the right way this runway trend can be both chic and becoming. Plus, it’s versatile enough to wear with a variety of cool-weather clothing that is actually practical come winter. The looks of the season include everything from patchwork to crochet elements in sweater dresses, cardiwraps and tunics  — so don’t be afraid to warm up to many different types of looks.

How to wear it: “Oversized can sometimes read as sloppy, so balance these pieces with slim cuts for a flattering silhouette, ” says Afiya Francisco, fashion expert on The Marilyn Denis Show. If you’ve splurged on a gorgeous knit cardi, pair it with skinny jeans or leggings. You want to make sure you showcase your shape and create a streamlined look.

Accessorize it
: If your sweater or wool frock is embellished with tassels or buttons, keep the accessories to a minimum. Not only will they detract from your outfit, they’re likely to get tangled up in the extra material. Tie a thick leather belt around a drapey number to showcase your waistline. The proper footwear is key here – you want a polished leather riding boot or over-the-knee suede boot with anything chunky up top.

Day to night
: Add structure to this look whenever possible by pairing it with a skinny knee-length pencil skirt or metallic pair of leggings for nighttime. For the office, opt for something slightly more form fitting with a pair of cropped dress pants and heels.

A little hit of style: Try a hip-length sweater with some volume before committing to a full on sweater dress.
Knitwear we love
(pictured in the player above):

Colourblock Turtleneck Sweater, $285.


Line Knitwear Manon Cardi, $205.

Cardigan/Shawl, $70.





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