
How to wear a jumpsuit

This onesie throwback doesn’t have to look retro. Get great advice on how to wear it from a pro stylist

asos Parachute jumpsuit,

frenchconnection Sierra sateen jumpsuit, French Connection.

forever21jumper Drawstring shoulder jumpsuit, Forever 21.

How to wear a jumpsuit The actress, Rose Byrne, pairs a floral jumpsuit with a pale pink jacket and nude heels. (Getty Images)

What to look for: Admittedly, this look is not for everyone and every shape. However, “the jumpsuit can be a nice alternative to the little black dress and with all the various styles and fabrics available, finding one to suit your body type is easier than you might think,” says Erin Nadler, President of Better Styled. Try one in a solid colour for more formal events and have fun with patterns for daytime.

How to wear it: If you’re tall you can pair your jumpsuit with flats, and if you're shorter adding a pair of heels helps to lengthen your legs. Peep-toe pumps or gladiator pumps are always great with any style jumpsuit. Choose a wide-leg pant for ultimate comfort and style.

: A solid-coloured onesie allows you to accessorize in multiple ways and with a range of colours. Add a scarf and a jacket, or bold jewellery and a small clutch. You could even add an interesting wide waist belt or fabulous bangles in various sizes and shapes, advises Nadler.

Day to night: The easiest way to take any outfit from day to night is to change the accessories. Adding a fabulous pump, gladiator, sling back, or wedge can dress up the outfit. “Throw on an interesting woven belt around your waist, chandelier earrings, a great chunky statement necklace, or funky clutch to update your outfit in a snap,” says Nadler.

A little hit of style: “If you plan on taking your jumpsuit into the fall why not add an edgy biker leather jacket?” says Nadler. The trend itself is not subtle but to tone it down, adding simple and neutral accessories is an easy way to go.

Jumpsuits we love
(pictured in the player above):
Drawstring shoulder jumpsuit with belt, $34, Forever 21.
Sierra sateen jumpsuit, $148, French Connection.
Parachute jumpsuit, $89,


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