
Chiffon trim tank: Weekly steal

There is something so classic about a black and white shirt and this sleeveless top really steps it up in style
By Kate Gertner

Sleeveless white shirt with bow from Smart Set

What it is: Chiffon trim top, $28, Smart Set

How to wear it: 
There is something so classic about a black and white shirt and this sleeveless shirt really steps it up in style. From the front facing tuxedo stripe to the sweet center bow, every detail is well designed and oh-so-darling. Pair this chiffon trimmed top with cropped dress pants, a button-up cardigan (or blazer) and a pair of pointy toe pumps for an office appropriate look that will keep you looking chic from 9-to-5.

Drinks after work? Leave the cardigan at your desk, throw on a sparkly statement necklace and add a sultry red lip and you are good to go...from the boardroom to the bar in the blink of an eye!

Why I love it: I am loving this mod-inspired top because it's the perfect combination of sweet and sultry. When I put it on, I instantly feel stylish. I am wearing it now with skinny black jeans and a pair of red ballet flats but can't wait to dress it up this weekend with a black pencil skirt, a big bling-y necklace and a pair of strappy statement heals. 


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