
The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak

Turn yourself into a lean, mean muscle machine with celebrity fitness guru Harley Pasternak’s 5-Factor program and his versatile new weight bar
By Consulting trainer Harley Pasternak

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso


The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

The ultimate slim down from Harley Pasternak Photography by: Roberto Caruso

Harley’s tips for faster results
1. Have an attack plan. Don’t haphazardly throw effort in -- for exercise to work, it has to be progressive.

2. Add variety. If you want to change your body, you have to continuously change the way you work out.

3. Keep moving. Exercise should continue from the second you wake up until the second you go to sleep. It’s not just about when you’re doing your workout -- you should be active all day long.

Harley’s fit tips by decade

In Your 20s: Make time for physical activity five times a week, even if it’s just a short walk at lunch. If you develop good habits now, you’ll be better off later.
Burpees and mountain climbers.

In Your 30s:
Challenge your body with plenty of cardio, and make sure to do strength training at least three times a week. This combination is your best defence against aging and can help fight off bone density issues too.
Planks and sprinting drills.

In Your 40s:
It’s important to get ready for perimenopause and the added fat that gets stored in the abdominal region. It’s essential to maintain strength training and commit to regular cardio. Chest presses will help keep the chest firm. Be sure to include them!
Push-ups and planks.

In Your 50s and beyond: Find a workout partner to liven up your routine. Perseverance will pay off, so remind yourself that you are making progress each day that you stick to a healthier lifestyle! Work your triceps to keep your upper arms firm.
Triceps dips and anything yoga-based.

The ultimate slim-down workout from Harley Pasternak

1. Sumo squat

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, toes facing forward and Harley Bar resting on your shoulders. Hold bar with your hands to keep it stable. Lower into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to starting position. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Sit your butt back when lowering into the squat. You should always be able to see your toes.
DIAL IT DOWN: Break the bar apart and use only the two outer ends.
AMP IT UP: Push your arms overhead when squatting down.

2. Seated oblique twist
Sit on the ground with your knees bent and spine straight. Hold bar in front of your chest, elbows bent. Lean back slightly and rotate shoulders to one side until one end of bar touches the ground. Return to starting position and then rotate to the other side. That’s one rep. Do 10 more.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your abs pulled in to your navel and lower back lifted (don’t let it round).
DIAL IT DOWN: Drop the bar and perform exercise without weights.
AMP IT UP: Lift your knees off the ground during the movement.

3. Bent-over row
Holding the Harley Bar, stand with your feet about hip-width apart and bend forward slightly at the waist, keeping your back flat. Let your arms hang straight down, palms facing away from you. Holding this position, slowly draw your elbows back as high as you can, keeping your arms close to your sides. Pause, then slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your core muscles engaged and try not to look at the floor.
DIAL IT DOWN: Perform this movement while seated on a chair .
AMP IT UP: Lift one leg off the floor during the movement.

4. Triceps dips
Sit on a chair with your back straight and hands gripping the edge close to your hips. Place your feet firmly on the floor, then step forward so your butt comes off the chair and only your arms are supporting you. Keeping your knees bent , slowly lower your body until your elbows are bent to 90 degrees. Push yourself
back up until arms are fully extended, without locking elbows. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your chest pushed out to prevent your shoulders from rolling forward.
DIAL IT DOWN: Perform triceps extensions from standing. Holding lightest ends of Harley Bar in your hands, hinge forward at the hips and bring your arms parallel to the floor. Then bend and straighten arms.
AMP IT UP: Straighten legs. Lift one leg off the ground for the first five reps and the other leg for the last five.

5. Front raises
Holding the Harley Bar in front of you, stand with your feet hip-width apart and palms facing your thighs. Slowly raise bar out in front of you until your arms are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second, then slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your arms straight and wrists loose during up-and-down motion, and keep a micro-bend in your knees.
DIAL IT DOWN: Remove the two end weights from the bar to lighten the load.
AMP IT UP: Extend the motion by raising your arms in front of your face, then all the way overhead for each rep.

6. Single-leg deadlifts
Holding the Harley Bar, stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your hands in front of your thighs, palms facing away from you. Bend forward slightly at the waist, keeping your back flat, and lift one foot behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg to complete the rep. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your abs pulled in and your core muscles engaged.
DIAL IT DOWN: Remove the two end weights from the bar.
AMP IT UP: Try lifting your foot a little higher while still maintaining your balance.

7. Lunge dips
Stand with your feet together, toes facing forward and Harley Bar resting on your shoulders. Hold the two ends of the bar with your palms facing out. Take a large step forward with one foot and bend both knees until your front leg is at 90 degrees and your thigh is parallel to the ground. Return to standing and repeat on other side. Do 10 reps per side.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your shoulders back and your chin up.
DIAL IT DOWN: Remove the two end weights from the bar and hold them down at your sides as you lunge.
AMP IT UP: Press the bar overhead during the movement.

8. Basic crunch
Lie on the floor with your knees bent, your feet fl at and your fingertips behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor and bring your knees in toward your chest, holding for a count of two. Slowly return to starting position. Do 15 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Keep your shoulders in line with the rest of your body and your lower back on the floor.
DIAL IT DOWN: Cross arms over your chest.
AMP IT UP: Raise arms overhead and grip palms together.

9. Controlled power jack

Stand with your feet together, toes facing forward and Harley Bar resting on your shoulders. Hold the two ends of the bar with your palms facing out. Carefully jack your feet out while raising bar overhead. Return to starting position. Do 10 reps.
PERFECT YOUR FORM: Move slowly through the exercise, keeping your shoulders down and back and your knees loose.
DIAL IT DOWN: Perform a regular jumping jack without the bar.
AMP IT UP: Speed up the motion.

Harley Pasternak is the creator of 5-Factor Fitness. His adjustable weight bar is a great alternative to dumbbells.


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