
Play the Gilmore Girls drinking game

Grab some friends, Lorelai–size coffees (or something stronger) and settle in with Netflix's new four-part special.
By Courtney Shea
Gilmore Girls drinking game Photo, Netflix.

It’s been almost ten years since the Gilmores were last seen strolling through Stars Hollow — arms entwined, coffees in hand, twee scarves flapping in the wind. After seven seasons and so much mother-daughter drama, the show ended, leaving fans struggling for closure: Would Rory become the cracker jack journalist she always dreamed of being? Would Lorelai and Luke ever lose the brother-sister vibe? Would Emily ever find a competent maid?

News that the (best) series (ever) would be returning as a four-part Netflix special sent fans into fits of Gilmorian glee (Oy with the poodles already!). In advance of the big premier on November 25th, we present Chatelaine’s official Gilmore Girls Drinking Game, which can be played with coffee (because there is no such thing as over-caffeination in the GG universe), or something stronger. Just remember to sip responsibly, lest you wind up belting Dolly Parton in a karaoke bar or delivering the world’s most embarrassing speech at your daughter’s best friend’s wedding.

Take a sip every time…

  • Lorelai and Rory have one of their signature super-fast-paced exchanges that sounds more like the fast-talking rap part in a ’90s hip hop song than an actual conversation. Gilmore Girls drinking game Photo, Netflix
  • You observe a mother-daughter feast (burgers at Luke’s, pizza from Antonioli’s, Chinese takeout from Al’s Pancake World, pie, Pop-Tarts, Mallomars, etc.) and consider the real-life improbability that is the Gilmore metabolism.
  • A scene transition is accompanied by the eternally soothing “La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.”
  • You wonder if there's a small chance Emily Gilmore would have voted for Trump. Gilmore Girls drinking game Photo, Netflix.
  • You find yourself playing a “Who Would You Rather” with any combination of Rory’s BFs (Answer: Jess. Always Jess).
  • Taylor leads a town meeting that ultimately erupts into an unruly display of shouting and fist shaking.
  • You feel a little squeamish about the racial stereotype that is the Mrs. Kim character.
  • Kirk has a new job. Note: His resume already includes video store clerk, termite inspector, dance instructor, hockey announcer and swan delivery man, to name a few.
  • Luke appears without his signature backwards baseball cap. One sip for no cap, two if he’s wearing a baseball hat forward. (Serious question: Has that ever even happened?) Gilmore Girls drinking game Photo, Netflix
  • You feel Emily’s pain and wish Lorelai would take off that ridiculous hat/hair accessory/mini-t-shirt/indoor scarf.
  • Emily’s casual wardrobe (sportswear, t-shirts, sneakers) is used to convey her inner devastation.
  • You really miss Richard Gilmore (R.I.P. Edward Herrmann #bowtiesforever).
  • Michel is very annoyed by the person on the other end of the phone. Gilmore Girls Drinking Game Photo, Netflix.
  • You see Lane and wish you could un-hear the story about her wedding night.
  • Paris says something that lets you know she was #WithHer.
  • You feel thankful that Jess (A.K.A. Milo Ventimiglia) is now starring in your new #1 ensemble drama with equal parts humour and heart, This Is Us.
  • You can’t believe there are ONLY FOUR EPISODES! Like, thanks Netflix for making our dreams come true, but would it have killed you to give us a full season?


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